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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

NHS Hockey Players Gain Edge From World Class Figure Skater



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NHS Hockey Players Gain Edge From World Class Figure Skater

By Andy Hutchison

Newtown High School’s hockey team members, at preseason practices, have received some extra skating pointers from someone who knows a thing or two about carving up the ice at high speeds — and with great skill.

Sergei Tartykov, a world-class figure skater, former Russian National Team member, and skating instructor for the National Hockey League’s Minnesota Wild, joined the Nighthawks as the team’s preseason skating coach. He skated with the players during ten sessions this fall as the team gears up for the regular season in December.

Tartykov helped the Nighthawks improve on-ice agility and develop the technical skating abilities, focusing on power skating instruction, Newtown Hockey Coach Paul Esposito said.

“He was phenomenal,” said Esposito, adding that the players saw improvement in their skating style as the sessions unfolded and enjoyed the experience. “You can tell the kids were having fun.”

Esposito said that, in an effort to help the Nighthawks reach a higher level of game play, he is implementing more preseason training into the program. The players have been working out with Cody Foss, owner of the Fitness Loft, and getting speed training with Esposito to give them plenty of off-ice workout opportunities. “We really wanted to amp up our preseason,” said Esposito, adding that the players coming into the campaign with all of this training under their belts should make for faster adjustments to learning the systems on the ice and, in turn, result in more success. The NHS skaters have also been playing together in a Sunday league at Danbury Ice Area, which should help with cohesiveness once the puck drops to start the regular campaign.

The NHS coach said he is modeling the team’s offseason preparation around the ones the most successful high school teams in the state follow. Knowing that Tartykov was giving personal instruction to some of his former youth level players, Esposito thought it would be great to have the skating coach work with the high school players. “He was very open to it and great with the kids,” Esposito said. The coach added that players should see an increase in speed and have improvement in positioning this winter.

Prior to joining the Wild in 2002, Tartykov served as an instructor for Victory International, Inc. Before rejoining the hockey ranks, he served as the principal skater in Walt Disney’s World on Ice production of Snow White. He held similar positions from 1990 to 1994 with the Russian Ballet on Ice and the Moscow Ballet on Ice. He has also worked as a skating instructor at the Uzbekistan Sport Club, and the fitness instructor at the Palace of Sport of Perm.

As a player, Tartykov was a member of the USSR Olympic reserve team from 1987 to 1989. He also played for championship teams in Siberia and Vostok, as well as Ural and Povolzia. Tartykov was also on the Uzbekistan national championship team in 1991.

The Nighthawks have their first scrimmage December 3 at Newington-Berlin, and open the regular season December 15 against the Staples-Weston-Shelton team.

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