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Newtown, CT, USA

Reed Students Conduct A 'Science Expo'



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For a portion of the day on Thursday, May 30, some of the Reed Intermediate School’s sixth grade classrooms had science experiments on display for other Reed students to witness.

Reed sixth grade teacher Georgia Smith said she was very impressed by what the students were capable of accomplishing during the school’s first “Science Expo.”

“A lot of this was done at home,” said Ms Smith. “We gave them the criteria and they ran with it.”

Ms Smith said the students were asked to find something in the curriculum that they were interested in, and each student went home to determine what they would study.

“They produced an experiment and they had the tri-boards to come in and share it with the class,” said Ms Smith.

Each student who participated, either individually or in groups of two, created a presentation of their science experiment on a tri-board. Ms Smith said each student also produced a science lab write-up to start their projects.

Four clusters participated in the Science Expo, and Ms Smith said she is hoping the other clusters will participate in the project next year.

Science experiments ranged from Fallyn Carlin’s study of how humidity effects hair to Alex Quimby’s “Overrated Water” study, which measured plant growth with other liquids as compared to water. Additional science experiments included Olivia Falk and Elizabeth Salley’s “Disappearing Eggshell” and Michael McCann and Alex Katsuleres’s “Cleaning Pennies is Science?” project.

Reed Intermediate School students Olivia Falk, left, and Elizabeth Salley stand next to a display for their experiment, “The Disappearing Eggshell.”            
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