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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Campus Notes



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Campus Notes

Wooster School of Danbury announced the following Newtown students who made the honor roll for the second semester. High honors went to Nadiya Hafizova, Joshua Muniz, and Shelby Sisco. Honors went to Amanda Kloth, Thomas O’ Hanlon, Brooks Frey, Brittany Hankins, Jared Kloth, and Marco Arenzo. Vanessa Courchene-Roy was commended for her academic achievement.

Kyle Tyll from Sandy Hook graduated from the Trinity-Pawling School on May 29. Kyle was a four-year member of the varsity hockey and golf teams where he served as captain of both teams his final two seasons. Kyle will be attending Sacred Heart University in the fall where he has committed to the university’s varsity hockey team.

Katherine Danziger of Newtown graduated cum laude from The Gunnery on June 3. She received the preparatory school’s 2005 awards for excellence in biology, excellence in prose, and the John Warner Moore Award for spiritual leadership. After a tour and service trip to Senegal, Africa, in June, she will attend Duke University as a biomedical engineering major this fall.

Northeastern University announced that Brittany Boyle, Trevor Bobowick, and Kendall Zimmerman from Sandy Hook and Gregory Dierks from Newtown were recently named to the university’s dean list for the spring semester.

Heidi Ekstrom was named to the Dean’s List at Bryant University for the spring semester.

Sacred Heart University has announced that Newtown residents Thomas Denninger, Christina Dolzall, Edgardo Freire, Nina Palazzo, Debora Perlini-Waite, and Nicholas Savino of Sandy Hook were named to the Dean’s List for the spring semester.

Margaret Ashey, Bryan Kotwicki, and Shannon Rouse of Newtown and Morgan Haines of Sandy Hook were named to the Dean’s List at Wake Forest University.

Brian McDonald and Kaitlyn Sullivan both of Sandy Hook have been named to the Dean’s List at Johnson & Wales University.

The academic achievements of Whitney Blanchard were among those recently recognized by the University of New Hampshire’s College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Whitney, a junior majoring in environmental engineering, received the Marie Lousie Langelier Scholarship.

Kevin Buchholz graduated on June 5  from Columbia College Chicago.

Sandy Hook resident Diana Kim recently graduated with a bachelor of science degree in English Education from Boston University. Daniel Maley of Sandy Hook also graduated from Boston University with a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering. Newtown residents graduating from Boston University were Brendan J. Annett with a master’s degree in biology, Adam Bagger with a bachelor of science in film and television, and Christopher Thompson with a bachelor of arts in international relations. Christopher graduated summa cum laude with distinction.

John Robert Fiscella recently received a bachelor of arts degree, magna cum laude, from Brown University.

Melissa Hanna of Sandy Hook recently graduated from Regis College with a bachelor of arts degree in history.

Maggie Lyon recently received an associates degree with honors from the Culinary Institute of America. She will continue in the fall at CIA to obtain a bachelor of business degree.

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