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Diabetes And Heart Disease Program At St Vincent's



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Diabetes And Heart Disease

Program At St Vincent’s

BRIDGEPORT — St Vincent’s Women at Heart Club is presenting “Diabetes and Heart Disease” on Wednesday, April 21, at 7 pm, in the Hawley Conference Center located on the main level of the medical center. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Featured speaker will be endocrinologist Joseph Rosa, MD, who is the president of Fairfield County American Diabetes Association.

St Vincent’s “Women at Heart” is a new cardiovascular club open to women of all ages designed to provide a holistic, woman-specific program of education and cardiovascular screening. The Women at Heart club helps women lower their risk with heart screenings, nutrition counseling, stress reduction sessions, education through newsletters and seminars, and information about the latest treatments and research findings.

Parking is free for the program in the lot immediately in front of St Vincent’s or in the Huntington Street parking garage. Participants should bring ticket in for validation. No registration is necessary and light refreshments will be served.

For more information or to join the free Women at Heart club, call St Vincent’s toll-free care line at 877-255-SVHS (7847) or visit www.stvincents.org.

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