By Nick Jacobs "/> By Nick Jacobs "/> Be Safe Around Bikes By Nick Jacobs – The Newtown Bee

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Be Safe Around Bikes<font size="3"> By Nick Jacobs </font>



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To The Editor:

I write to you today about an issue I've noticed in town: bike safety. As a 14-year-old, biking is something I love to do. Without a driver's license it's the fastest way to get somewhere without having to bring your parents with you.

But many times when I try to bike with friends, their parents won't let them because they say it's too dangerous. And for good reason. I'm lucky enough to have parents that will let me bike into and around town, but I don't always feel safe.

Most cars will slow down and leave a 3-foot barrier, as they should. However, there's always the occasional car that will speed by, well within 3 feet, making you feel lucky to be alive.

Biking is a fun activity and a great way to stay in shape, but I can't help but feel like this is a key reason more people don't do it. So I want to remind the town that cars need to remember to be safe around bikes. Slow down and leave a 3-foot barrier.

Thank you

Nick Jacobs

8 Bramble Trail, Newtown                                               July 27, 2016

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