By Mary Gaudet-Wilson"/>
By Mary Gaudet-Wilson"/> Delayed Mowing A Benefit To Meadows By Mary Gaudet-Wilson – The Newtown Bee

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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Delayed Mowing A Benefit To Meadows<font size="3"> <br> By Mary Gaudet-Wilson



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To the Editor:

Members of Protect Our Pollinators would like to thank the Parks and Recreation Department for delaying any mowing of the meadow near Elm Drive and Barb's Trail. This lovely meadow has served as habitat for nesting birds during the summer as well as butterflies, bees, and other insects which are part of a healthy ecosystem. Especially now, as the goldenrod and joe pye weed come into bloom, we can truly appreciate the beauty of this landscape.

Also, as of this writing, the High Meadow at Fairfield Hills has not been mowed and it can be seen that wildflowers including milkweed, various vetches, and Queen Ann's lace are establishing themselves. Any nesting birds would have had the opportunity to raise their young without interference.

Of all the various habitats in Connecticut, meadowlands are the least abundant. They are to be treasured as they support native insect and bird populations, many of which, unfortunately, are in decline.

Meadows are ours to protect and enjoy.

Mary Gaudet-Wilson

12 Whippoorwill Hill Road, Newtown           August 16, 2016

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