Business Buzz: Kim Rio Nutrition Health Wellness
Helping others achieve balance in their lives is the goal for holistic health practitioner Kim Rio. Ms Rio has practiced nutrition, health, and wellness counseling since 2011. In September 2013, she opened her office at 107 Church Hill Road in Sandy Hook Center.
Kim Rio Nutrition Health Wellness offers a nutrition counseling program with a holistic approach.
“I treat the whole person, instead of just assisting with a diet plan or providing just a weight program,” Ms Rio said. “It’s about counseling and helping people add health to life in many ways,” she said.
Ms Rio, who has a degree in psychology from Seton Hall in South Orange, N.J., and who is a certified fitness instructor and has received certification as a holistic health counselor from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in Manhattan, counsels clients through review of lab work, nutritional balancing, helping with sleep issues, and reducing stress.
“It is more about helping my clients redirect a life style that may be leading to stress, overeating, cravings, and limited activity,” Ms Rio said.
One of the things she discusses with her patients is the need for both primary and secondary foods.
“Primary foods are things like your relationships, career, spirituality, physical exercise, and other things that provide stress and enjoyment. If these things aren’t connected secondary foods — the ‘real’ foods that you eat — don’t satisfy or nourish,” she said.
Ms Rio also offers wellness seminars, cleansing programs, educational grocery store food tours, and group counseling/challenge programs.
She counsels both men and women of all ages, and is currently accepting new patients.
To contact Ms Rio, visit, connect with her on Facebook (Kim Rio – Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner), or call 203-395-6087. Office hours are by appointment only. Home visits and Skype consultations are available.