Post Election Emotions<font size="3"> By Suzy DeYoung</font>
To the Editor:Bee there was an egregiously ugly letter in regard to the range of emotions people are experiencing post election.
In this past week's
There are Newtown residents and families - not to mention many other towns across the country - who have experienced extreme levels of grief and trauma and who are finding a number of associated emotions resurrected as a result of the election.
Having spent much time working in community efforts over the past four years, one thing I have discovered is that there are countless numbers of Newtown residents who are deeply kind, empathetic, open-minded, nonjudgmental, tolerant, and compassionate.
There are families here who deserve to know this during this challenging time.
Suzy DeYoung
9 Gopher Road, Newtown ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ November 21, 2016