Re-Elect No One - No Exceptions
To the Editor:
This is a non-partisan message.
Keep this in mind, as we approach mid-term elections for Congress. The incumbents have done nothing, except take care of themselves. Let’s give them a pink slip!
Vote for the challengers with this proviso, you must serve the people and propose and fight to:
*Insist on a balanced budget.
*Resolve national problems such as immigration
*Place Congress in the same retirement and health care system as the voters.
*Make Congress subject to every law they create.
*Insist on Campaign Finance Reform eliminating large dollar loop holes and secrecy.
*Institute a system of term limits to reduce the career politician syndrome.
Send a message to Washington that they have gone too far. Do their jobs or be voted out. We need a similar message for our Hartford representatives.
Even if only 10 percent effective, this movement will send a strong message to elected officials which will incent them to work for us, rather than themselves and their parties. Yes, we may lose a few good people, but this collateral damage will be well worth the overall benefit to our State and the Country.
Share this movement with your friends and on social media.
Raymond Ruzek
Maltbie Road, Newtown September 28, 2014