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Scholarships Available



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Scholarships Available

The Newtown High School Career Center publicizes all scholarships of which it is notified.

A few of the scholarships, typically national ones, request that money be enclosed with the application. The Career Center believes that students should not have to pay to apply for scholarships. If a student chooses to apply for a scholarship that charges a fee, however, the Career Center strongly advises parents and students to check its authenticity through the FTC Consumer Response Center, www.ftc.gov or 877-FTC-HELP; the National Fraud Information Center, www.fraud.org or 800-876-7060; or the Better Business Bureau, www.bbb.org or 703-276-0100.

Full details on all scholarships are available at the high school Career Center.

WELLER: The Barton L. Weller Scholarship — Any senior attending Newtown, Joel Barlow, Masuk, Shelton or Trumbull High School on a full-time basis is eligible for this scholarship. The award is $12,000. The requirements consist of a five-month original independent research or study project of the student’s choice. All students who plan to participate must see Mrs Gerry Waterbury in the Guidance Department before starting their project proposal. All proposals must be received by the foundation by October 19. The foundation recommends that applicants allow for possible delays in delivery. Late arrivals will be returned unopened. Up to five finalists will be selected from all entries and will be notified by November 6. Students selected as finalists will receive $200 to help defray expenses. April 1, 2010 is the final date for submission of projects. The Career Center has detailed information and rules about the Barton Weller Scholarship.

Ron Brown Scholar Program — Each year at least ten high school seniors from across the United States will each receive $10,000 annually for four years for full-time undergraduate study as Ron Brown Scholars. Applicants must be African American US citizens or permanent residents who have demonstrated high academic achievement, show exceptional leadership potential and have made a significant contribution to their community through volunteer service. There are two application deadlines. Applications received by November 1 will be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar Program and be forwarded to a select and limited number of additional colleges and scholarship providers. Applications received by January 9 will be considered only for the Ron Brown Scholar Program. Applications should be downloaded from www.ronbrown.org.

Boston University Trustee Scholarship — Trustee Scholars are selected by a faculty committee from a pool of applicants who have been nominated by principals and headmasters of high schools around the world. Each scholar receives a renewable scholarship covering full undergraduate tuition and mandatory fees for four years. Trustee Scholars are typically in the top ten percent of their class and are also very active leaders in their schools and communities. Students who are nominated but not selected for a Trustee Scholarship will be considered for other Boston University scholarships, grants, and loans for which they apply and are eligible. Interested students should go to www.bu.edu/admissions/scholarships. The application deadline is December 1.

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