Middle Gate To Publish A Student Newspaper
Roughly half of Middle Gate Elementary School's fourth grade has been working to create a new school newspaper.The Middle Gate Bee.The Middle Gate Bee, students are working on polls about school lunch items, favorite sports, an interview with school Principal Chris Geissler, and features on different activities fourth graders help perform throughout the school, like acting as library helpers.
The effort began roughly a month ago, and the group meets Mondays just after school begins under the guidance of advisors Lina Silveira, Diane Dennis, and Kate Magness.
According to Ms Silveira, all of the students came up with interesting ideas for stories in what will be the first publication of the new newspaper. Ms Silveira said the group hopes to publish the first edition of the paper to coincide with Middle Gate Loves to Read Week, which is set for the week April 4.
After coming up with a number of names for the new newspaper, the advisors said the students overwhelmingly chose to name the publication
During the morning meeting of Monday, March 14, Ms Silveira spoke to students about editing, preparing the newspaper for its first publication deadline, writing headlines, and different ways to "hook" a reader into being interested in the story.
"Think about how you will hook your reader," Ms Silveira said, just before Ms Dennis offered advice about how to start writing an article.
For the first edition of