NHS Blue & GoldNighthawk Golf
Players Needed
NHS Blue & Gold
Nighthawk Golf
May 18, 2004
The Newtown High School Blue & Gold Booster Club golf tournament will be held Tuesday, May 18, at Whitney Farms in Monroe. All proceeds will assist the NHS Blue & Gold Booster Club and its projects â such as building a field house behind the high school.
Tee off for the tournament will be 8 am. Cost is $125 and includes breakfast, lunch, refreshments, a 50/50 raffle, longest drive competition, and more.
Anyone interested in playing, contact Dan Barrett, president of the B&G, at 270-1927.
Connecticut Home Furnishings and Dru Stock have already been signed up as Nighthawk sponsors while Curtis & Crandon and TR Paul have been signed up as Gold sponsors.
Tee and cart sponsors are always welcomed.