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A Team With Experience



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To the Editor:

As this election season draws to a close, we would like to thank the voters of Newtown for their hospitality and consideration. We'd also like to ask for your vote this Tuesday and reiterate our core message.

Whether it's been offers of cold drinks as we've been going door to door, or unbidden wishes of good luck as we move about town, we appreciate your courtesies.

Our core message is that we are the most experienced team to lead Newtown in a time of state budget travails and a high turnover in lower level elected officials. Experience will matter. While we're committed to continual improvements, we believe our record of low taxes (less than one percent average yearly increase over the past eight years) and sensible delivery of municipal services indicate that change for change's sake would be unwise. We are committed to sound fiscal practices to ensure minimal tax increases, expanded economic development opportunities for existing and new businesses alike to lessen the burden on our existing tax base, continued excellence in our schools, road repairs, and cost cutting through innovative means such as regionalization and privatization where appropriate.

Finally, we did state at the outset of the campaign that our focus would be on face to face interactions and personal contacts, not social media. We do promise that if elected we will increase the town's social media presence, but for the campaign we wanted to minimize the time engaged in warring about posts that invariably get taken out of context.

Please give us your support Tuesday. We won't let you down and we have the experience to deliver what we promise.

Will Rodgers, First Selectman candidate

208 Hattertown Road, Newtown

Jeff Capeci, Selectman candidate

52 Bear Hills Road, Newtown         October 31, 2017

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