Spring Has Sprung, Ticks Are Here
Winter formally ended a few weeks ago, but the weather has not yet fully warmed up. Regardless, Donna Culbert, the director of heath at the Newtown Health District, knows what that means: it’s tick season.
This weekend’s weather is predicted to be beautiful and many, many people will be outside enjoying the weather, working in their yards, hiking on trails, and just soaking it in.
And the ticks will be out too.
The Health District will be providing messaging about tick-borne disease in the coming weeks, but for right now, its all about preventing tick bites.
On Friday, April 10, the Health District issued a reminder to all residents that it is important to learn about ticks and tick bite prevention, and to remember its BLAST message. BLAST stands for five important things everyone can do be aware and to stay safe from tick-borne diseases:
B stands for bathing soon after spending time outdoors;
L reminds everyone to look their bodies over for ticks daily and for expanding rashes;
A encourages everyone to avoid ticks when possible, and when necessary, apply repellent;
S stands for safeguarding property (yards) to reduce possible tick exposure; and
T reminds everyone about treatment. Receiving early medical treatment is the key to preventing long term health effects. It is also important to treat pets.
There is helpful, detailed information about the BLAST message at the Newtown Health District’s webpage on the Town’s website (www.newtown-ct.gov).
As of April 10, four ticks had been turned in to the Newtown Health Department for testing. Results had not yet been publicly posted.
For additional information on ticks and tick-borne disease prevention, contact the Newtown Health District at 203-270-4291 or health.district@newtown-ct.gov.
The National Weather Services is offering a forecast that says after a chance of showers Friday night, Saturday, April 11, will dawn mostly sunny with a high around 54 degrees (west wind, 9-14 mph). Saturday night will be clear, with a low around 33 (northwest wind 3-8 mph).
For those who want to warm up, the weather will only improve for Sunday, according to the weather service. April 12 is expected to be sunny, with a high near 63 degrees (northwest wind 3-8 mph), heading toward a clear Sunday overnight, with temperatures going down to about 41 degrees.
Newtown has a high incidence of tick-borne disease among its residents. Late melting snow and fluctuating spring temperatures can generate an increasing number of ticks, which was exactly what happened in April 2014. The most dangerous, disease carrying ticks are small nymphs, which is why health officials recommend residents do careful and through tick checks on all people and pets who are out and about yards and trails.