School Budget Deficit Projected
Along with celebrating its departing chairman's time on the board, the Board of Education also heard a financial report from Business Director Ron Bienkowski at its meeting on November 21. The report projects the 2017-18 budget will have a roughly $500,000 shortfall.Messages Of Appreciation
While Interim Superintendent of Schools Dr Lorrie Rodrigue said anticipated budget "holdbacks" from the state are expected to be less egregious for Newtown than for other districts, she also said there are no finalized amounts for the cuts, and more may be cut in the future. Dr Rodrigue announced the district is continuing to hold spending in budget areas, including not hiring a replacement position in the technology department.
"We need a plan, especially if there will be anticipated cuts through the [Excess Cost Grant]," said Dr Rodrigue.
When sharing his Monthly Financial Report later in the meeting, Mr Bienkowski said the Legislative Council's action at its meeting on November 15 to restore $1,031,481 to the 2017-18 school budget reduces the anticipated shortfall, but a 25 percent expenditure hold is in place in anticipation of being $496,191 short.
"I think that the action the council took on Wednesday really helped us with bringing into perspective what our current condition is and also helps us develop next year's budget," said Mr Bienkowski.
According to the Monthly Financial Report, the $496,191 shortfall is consistent with projections last month, which highlighted budget problem areas "related to unanticipated and unbudgeted special services requirements. Since September, out of district tuition has risen by another $185,000."
The school board also passed designated emergency dismissal times, as presented by Dr Rodrigue at the meeting. In the event of snow or other anticipated emergencies, Dr Rodrigue said students would be dismissed at the times approved by the board. Emergency early dismissal times would be 11:32 am for Newtown High School and Newtown Middle School; 11:50 am for St Rose of Lima School; noon for Fraser Woods Montessori School; 12:32 for Reed Intermediate School; and 12:37 pm for the elementary schools and Housatonic Valley Waldorf School, according to a document presented to the school board.
Dr Rodrigue also said the Transportation Task Force is working to finalize a plan for next school year. The group will have more details after meeting in the next two weeks. Continuing to release Reed ahead of the elementary schools, Dr Rodrigue said, will probably be part of the plan for next year, but the school will have the same amount of minutes in the day "as all other schools." The task force is also looking at reworking the flow of drop-offs and pick-ups at the high school.
Board of Education Vice Chairman Michelle Embree Ku explained at the start of the meeting that a collection of written and recorded video messages had been created to share at the meeting to celebrate Chairman Keith Alexander's time on the board. She played recorded messages from Reed Intermediate School Principal Anne Uberti, former Superintendent of Schools Dr John Reed, and Head O' Meadow Elementary School Principal Barbara Gasparine. Written messages were also displayed in the presentation, including messages from Newtown High School Interim Principal David Roach, Dr Rodrigue, and messages from board members Dan Cruson, Jr, and Rebekah Harriman-Stites.
The final message was a recorded video from Ms Ku that wished Mr Alexander luck in his new endeavor as a member of the Board of Finance.
Board Secretary Debbie Leidlein also shared her appreciation for Mr Alexander's efforts on the school board.
"I so appreciate everything you have done for Newtown Public Schools," said Ms Leidlein.
Mr Alexander shared his own message of gratitude for the school board members, school district parents, central office staff, other elected officials in town, the superintendents he has worked with, his family members, and the students.
"I want to thank every one, very much, and [I] appreciate you all," said Mr Alexander.