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Newtown, CT, USA

Middle Gate Community Circle Focuses On Respect And Responsibility



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Middle Gate Elementary School held a Community Circle assembly on Friday, April 22, to highlight the importance of respect and responsibility for students.

Third grade teacher Claire DeSisto and special education teacher Lola Aldrich presented the assembly.

"Do you know what it means to be responsible?" Ms DeSisto asked the students. One student raised their hand to say it means doing the right thing without being told to do it.

Ms DeSisto then asked the students where they can show responsibility, and students said at home, at school, and almost everywhere you go.

"When you act responsibly, you are demonstrating respect and you are acting kindly," said Ms DeSisto, before students acted out scenes of how they can show respect and responsibility.

Middle Gate Elementary School third grade teacher Claire DeSisto, center, spoke to students at the school's Community Circle on Friday, May 4, as teacher Lola Aldrich took notes. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
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