Special Olympics Torch Run, Friday
The Newtown leg of the 2018 Special Olympics Law EnforcementÃÂ Torch RunÃÂ is scheduled for approximately 11:30 am to 1 pm on Friday, June 8.Newtown's schools have been raising funds for the torch run, doing special events to sponsor miles along the route. Newtown Police officers also hosted a Tip-A-Cop event recently, stepping into the roles of servers for an evening at Market Place Kitchen & Bar on Church Hill Road. Funds raised through such events are donated to Special Olympics Connecticut.[naviga:img class="wp-image-5741 aligncenter" src="https://newtownbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/SOCT_Torch_Run_route_on_Google_Maps.jpg" alt=" Newtown Police officers will run a five-mile route through town on Friday, June 6, during their annual participation in the Special Olympics Connecticut Lawn Enforcement Torch Run. The public is invited to support the officers on any portion of their run. " width="600" height="445" /]Local law enforcement officers will run a five-mile route through town on Friday, June 8, during their annual participation in the Special Olympics Connecticut Lawn Enforcement Torch Run. The public is invited to support the officers on any portion of their run.
The torch will be passed by Bethel police to Newtown Police and Garner Correctional Institution staff members near Dodgingtown Market at 57 Dodgingtown Road at about 11:30 am. They will run with the torch on Dodgingtown Road to Sugar Street (Route 302) and then to Glover Avenue, where they will turn left onto Queen Street and then turn right onto Church Hill Road.
The Newtown leg of theÃÂ torch runÃÂ will end at the Blue Colony Diner at 66 Church Hill Road, where local runners will pass the torch to state police from the Troop A Barracks.
The event raises public awareness about the Special Olympics and raises money for the Special Olympics of Connecticut.
The full run covers over 500 miles and passes through more than 100 cities and towns, according to Special Olympics Connecticut. Over 1,500 officers and Special Olympics Athletes will participate in this year's Torch Run. Officers represent local, state, and federal departments, agencies, and correctional facilities.
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