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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Students Return To School



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Classrooms were set, welcoming signs were on display, and students were making their way into their schools for the first time of the 2014-15 school year on Tuesday, August 26, for the first day of school.

Just before buses began pulling up at Middle Gate Elementary School Tuesday morning, Superintendent of Schools Joseph V. Erardi, Jr, said the morning was going smoothly. Buses had already dropped students off at Newtown High School, Newtown Middle School, Reed Intermediate School, and local private schools, before making their way to the elementary schools.

“So far it was a really good opening,” Dr Erardi said, “… a really great staff.”

Earlier in the morning, Newtown Middle School Principal Thomas Einhorn seemed comfortably surrounded by students walking with determination to classrooms shortly after buses arrived. Other school faculty and staff were also welcoming students with smiles in the lobby at NMS before the first bell rang.

When the first bus pulled up at Reed Intermediate School a little while later, a number of faculty and staff were waiting. Reed Assistant Principal Jill Beaudry helped each student who came to her find their way, but most of the sixth graders already knew where to go. Fifth graders lined up together before being lead into the school.

Assistant Superintendent of Schools Linda Gejda was also at NMS and Reed as buses arrived.

“The teachers are really excited,” Dr Gejda said.

Middle Gate Principal Christopher Geissler had one moment of confusion.

“Are you the principal?” he jokingly asked one kindergartener who wore a necktie for the first day of his public school career.

To another student Mr Geissler said, “Oh my goodness, have you grown!”

Dr Erardi was also greeting students getting off the bus at Middle Gate with, “Good morning!” and “Have a great year!” A number of students gave him high fives.

“I’m just excited for the promise of wonderful new year,” Mr Geissler said as his new kindergarten students gathered near him.

As parents and teachers greeted on another many “good mornings” could be heard with extra enthusiasm. “Happy new year” could also be heard throughout the morning.

Reed students walked toward their school just before classes began for the 2014-15 academic year.
Reed Intermediate School students arrive for the start of the 2014-15 school year.
Newtown Middle School Principal Thomas Einhorn greeted students as they walked through the lobby of the Queen Street school for the start of the new school year.
Superintendent of Schools Joseph V. Erardi, Jr, greeted students at Middle Gate Elementary School. 
Newtown Middle School students stepped off their bus to go to school for the start of the 2014-15 school year Tuesday morning.
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