NHS Names The Top Students Of The 2017 Graduating Class
Newtown High School's top demi-decile students of the 2017 graduating class were announced at the school on April 19.
"You represent the top five percent of the graduating class of 2017," said NHS Principal Lorrie Rodrigue.
Dr Rodrigue also announced Simran Chand is this year's valedictorian and Jordan Solomon Klein is this year's salutatorian. The students were gathered in the high school's Guidance Department for the announcement and later gathered in the school's lobby for pictures.
"We are so, so proud," said Dr Rodrigue to the group.
Being named in the top five percent of the graduating class, Dr Rodrigue said, represents diligence, effort, and "a lot of sleepless nights."
Later Superintendent of Schools Joseph V. Erardi, Jr, told the group of students they would be honored at an upcoming Board of Education meeting. In an "unbelievably competitive" graduating class, Dr Erardi said being named in the top five percent is an honor.
Along with Simran and Jordan, students in the top five percent of the NHS 2017 graduating class are Elizabeth Chamiec-Case, Monique Dubois, Rian Frate, Matthew Gosselin, Aysha Anastasia Hafiz, Emma Carina Johnson, Megan Kelleher, Jordan Solomon Klein, Grant Larson, Dylan Rohn Lew, Jessica Maturo, Taylor Pare, Isabel Pryor, Benjamin Reilly, Melissa Rachael Shohet, Thomas Stanczyk, Jacob Steinebrey, Dawson Nicholas Stout, Julia Sughrue, and Keira Veillette.