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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Good People For A Good Deed



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To the Editor:

On May 4, 22 good people descended on a house on Apple Blossom Lane to help repair it. It was the annual HomeFront project of the Newtown Congregational Church and the Newtown Lions Club. By the end of the day, much had been accomplished by our men and women, including putting in two new high windows, fixing two toilets, replacing rotten boards, scraping, caking, and painting.

Jerry Cole, the house captain, and I want to heartily thank all these good men and women who worked so hard, as well as Dunkin’ Donuts, who supplied us with coffee and doughnuts, and the ten women of the Congregational Church who fed us a delicious lunch of sandwiches and cookies.

And we also want to especially recognize Dan Rosenthal, Newtown’s excellent first selectman, who came and spent quite a bit of time with us, scraping and caulking windows. He was a great help!

Many thanks!

Gordon M. Williams

601B Heritage Village, Southbury         May 6, 2019

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