Trailblazing Scouts BSA Troop 870 Celebrates Court Of Honor
Six local girls made history when they were inducted into Newtown’s first all-female Scouts BSA Troop 870 at its official founding Court of Honor at Newtown Hook & Ladder on the evening of February 28.
Family, friends, fellow Scouts, and Scoutmasters from the community came out to support the group’s milestone event.
Troop 870 is affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, which announced in 2017 that it would be inviting girls into its Cub Scouts program, designed for kindergarten through fifth grade students, and its Boy Scouts program — which has now been renamed Scouts BSA — for ages 11 through 17.
Last year, Newtown resident Dave Barrett, who has nearly 40 years of Scouting experience, was chosen to be Scoutmaster for the group. The group began having informational meetings and outings for interested members starting last October.
During the Court of Honor, Boy Scouts of America Scatacook District Chair Steve Agnew served as the master of ceremonies, leading the Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer.
He invited dignitaries Tarren Horvath, chapter organization representative for Newtown Hook & Ladder; Rick Camejo, president of Newtown Hook & Ladder; David Sippin, Connecticut Yankee Council president; Jay Lubin, Connecticut Yankee Council membership vice president; and David Zeh, Scatacook district commissioner, to come forward for the Charter Presentation Ceremony.
“It is always exciting when we form a new troop here [with] Connecticut Yankee Council, but this is historic — this is one of the first Scouts BSA troops for young women,” Mr Sippin said. “We welcome you to Scouting, and good luck on your journey.”
Representing Newtown Hook & Ladder, Mr Horvath said the company is happy to be able to help support the community and the first all-girls Scouts BSA troop in Newtown. Mr Horvath then brought up Mr Barrett and local Scoutmaster Jason Almeter to be sworn in as Troop 870’s Scoutmaster and committee chair, respectively.
“I would like to recognize our trained adult leaders and committee members that are included in our charter or have volunteered to serve Troop 870,” Mr Almeter said. Those listed included Jennifer Reilly, assistant Scoutmaster; Judy Hammel, assistant Scoutmaster; Justin Viao, treasurer; Heather Almeter, committee member/secretary; Judy Schultz, committee member/activity chair; Hope Stevens, advancement chair; Rob Cicarelli, committee member; and George Boncek, commissioner.
Mr Barrett then presented the Scouts with a special patch, saying, “You are the first. Only six of you will ever be able to wear this patch.”
Induction Ceremony
The six young women being inducted into Troop 870 — Ava Almeter, Alicia Ligouri, Ella Viau, Melissa Schnee, Alyssa Jones, and Jaclyn Schultz — introduced themselves and stood at the front of the room with Ms Reilly and Ms Hammel, who led the induction ceremony.
As Ms Reilly read the qualities of what a Scout is (trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent), Ms Hammel reciprocated by elaborating on how the Scouts display these values and lit a candle marking each trait.
“Scouts of Troop 870,” Ms Hammel said, “you have heard the 12 points of the Scout Law. Will you do your best to live up to it? If so, please say, ‘I will.’”
In unison, the six girls agreed, and as a final step, they all raised their right hand in the Scout sign to repeat the Scout Oath.
Each Scout was then presented with their own neckerchief and patrol patch.
“As you have committed yourselves to the Scout Oath and Law, I now declare that each of you is an official member of Troop 870,” Ms Reilly said.
“You Girls Are Trailblazers”
Mr Agnew did the honors of unveiling Troop 870’s founding flag. The flag represents the group and all its accomplishments over time. It is also the flag that will serve future Scouts for generations to come.
For the achievements the Scouts have made thus far, Mr Barrett distributed awards to each girl that included the Totin’ Chit, Firem’n Chit, Cyber Chip, and the Klondike Derby Participation patch and flag ribbon.
Special recognitions of thanks were given to Newtown Scoutmasters Rob Cieceralli of Troop 270 and Mr Almeter of Troop 370 for helping Troop 870, to Newtown Hook & Ladder for providing a place for the troop to meet, and to Mr Agnew for exceptional leadership and service.
First Selectmen Dan Rosenthal attended Scouts BSA Troop 870’s Court of Honor and expressed how happy he was to see the Scouts are now including girls.
“In the little over a year I’ve been in office, I’ve had the pleasure to attend a lot of Scouting activities, and [it’s] really a wonderful organization. They do so much for our community, and I look forward to following your progress,” Mr Rosenthal said.
He added that the community is blessed to have the volunteer leaders the town has in Scouting and for Newtown Hook & Ladder for making this possible.
When wrapping up the Court of Honor, Mr Barrett had everyone in attendance form a large circle.
“You girls are trailblazers…” Mr Barrett said, with his troop by his side. “Thank you for joining Scouts, and I look forward to working with you over the next few years.”
Young women ages 11 to 17 who are interested in joining Scouts BSA Troop 870 in Newtown are encouraged to visit its informational meeting on Thursday, March 14, 7 pm, at Newtown Hook & Ladder. For more information, contact Scoutmaster Dave Barrett at [naviga:u][/naviga:u].