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Holiday Weekend Event: Rides On Santa’s Sleigh Brightened An Overcast Sunday



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Santa Claus visited Sandy Hook last weekend and took dozens of people of all ages for rides on his sleigh.

Chaperoned by members and family of Tolland Fire Department, who have a special relationship with Mr Claus and host an annual tour with one of his sleighs, a group from the northern Connecticut town spent six hours offering rides on a sled (named, appropriately, Engine 12-25) on December 2. The rides started from and returned to the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company main station, and all were welcome to enjoy the free holiday event.

By the end of the evening, 290 people had enjoyed a ride on the main sled or an auxiliary sled that was put into use on Sunday, according to a contact at Tolland Fire. Each sled carried up to six adults, with many opting to carry children on their laps.

Engine 12-25 is mounted to a trailer, with a group of nine lawn ornament reindeers leading the way, positioned over the tongue of the trailer. Outlined in rope lighting, the reindeer appear to be pulling the sleigh into the air when their trailer is being pulled. In addition, flood lights positioned around the sled illuminated the vehicle, adding to the moving holiday display once darkness set in.

Once the sun went down — or the skies fully darkened, since it was rainy and misty all day — a Tolland fire engine joined the convoy of vehicles that also included a Sandy Hook truck as the lead vehicle and another Sandy Hook piece of apparatus as the chase vehicle. Tolland’s engine is covered with 20,000 holiday lights, synched to music that plays from speakers also mounted to the vehicle.

While the weather was not as pleasant as it had been the previous two years, most of those who took a ride returned to the Riverside Road fire station with broad smiles. “Worth the wait” was heard a number of times as parents reached for the hands of their children, many still beaming at Santa Claus.

Santa climbed down from the sled between every ride. While the next group was getting onto the sled and readying for their ride, he knelt with every child who wanted to have their photo taken with him.

Inside one of the bays of the firehouse, Sandy Hook Ladies Auxiliary members were serving warm cider and hot chocolate. Guests were also invited to enjoy cookies, candy canes, and popcorn balls. A coloring station was set up for all ages to enjoy, with pages of holiday themed illustrations ready to be colored. A collection of games was also laid out, which kept many children entertained during the long wait for their ride.

<p>Among those enjoying a ride with Santa Claus on Sunday was birthday girl Susan Cinquegrana, second from right in the front, and Tracey McManus, front right, who left the Holiday Festival on Main Street to be among the first in line in Sandy Hook. Ms Cinquegrana was celebrating a milestone birthday, and it was Ms McManus’s goal to make the weekend as fun as possible, she said. After their ride with Santa, the women returned to Main Street to continue enjoying that event. (Bee Photo, Hicks)</p>
<p>Santa helps one of his younger riders off his sled Sunday afternoon. (Bee Photo, Hicks)</p>
<p>The Schwartz family of Sandy Hook — from top, Kris, Heather, and Jocelyn — said they were happy at the end of the day that they waited for a ride on Santa’s sleigh. (Bee Photo, Hicks)</p>
<p>Santa helper Joanne Roper gives a wave as she and Santa depart with a group of riders in Engine 12-25. (Bee Photo, Hicks)</p>
<p>Santa had his bad weather gear ready on Sunday, just in case the weather worsened from the steady mist that hung around all day. (Bee Photo, Hicks)</p>
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