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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Through Activities And Trips, NICE Visitors From Spain Learn About Newtown



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A delegation of students and educators, visiting Newtown with the Newtown International Center for Education (NICE), arrived on Wednesday, March 30, from  I.E.S. Las Encinas School in Sevilla, Spain.Fiddler on the Roof Jr, and seeing the NHS Varsity Color Guard practice. Visiting delegates also had the opportunity to attend the NHS Junior Prom, held on Friday, April 1.

According to NICE Spain Program Manager Liz Ward, the delegation arrived on March 30 and are staying through April 8.

During the visit, delegation members stayed with host families, who were given an itinerary, complete with suggested activities. The itinerary for the group's visit included a welcoming ceremony at the high school on March 30, shadowing host families' students while at NHS, visiting Spanish classrooms, spending time with host families, touring New York City, visiting Newtown Middle School, and touring Yale University in New Haven. A closing ceremony was held on Thursday, April 7, to say goodbye to the delegation members.

Suggested activities for host families to do with their visiting delegates included bringing them to the Danbury Fair Mall, seeing the Newtown Middle School musical production of

After school on Thursday, March 31, student delegates and host students attended a silk screening activity, overseen by NHS graphics teacher Dave Defeo and student helpers Charlee Stewart and Zachary Anderson.

Charlee also created the design applied to the T-shirts for the day with fellow student Zach Van De Weerdt.

Before the activity began, NHS junior Natalie Shaker stood speaking with student delegate Sarah Alfonso Alvarez.

"She only got here yesterday, but we've already bonded a lot," said Natalie.

Sarah said she was enjoying her visit so far.

"It's great. I'm so excited to continue with activities," said Sarah.

Student delegate Cristina Perez Cogolludo, right, applied ink to her T-shirt as Graphics teacher Dave Defeo watched the process on Thursday, March 31. The activity to silk screen T-shirts was one of the suggested itinerary activities during the delegation's visit to Newtown. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
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