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Town Players Murder Mystery Auditions



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Town Players Murder Mystery Auditions

Town Players of Newtown will host auditions for its October production, Whodunnit by Anthony Shaffer, to be directed by Gene Golaszewski.

A group of six strangers — and a butler — have gathered for a black-tie dinner in the English country mansion of a wealthy lawyer during a thunderstorm. One of the guests, identified only as an “oily Levantine,” tells his fellow dinner guests that he has information with which to blackmail each and every one of them. This, of course, makes him ripe for murder...

The production calls for six men and four women. Auditions will consist of reading of sides from the script.

The production will run Friday and Saturday evenings, and Sunday afternoons, October 8-24.

Audition dates are Sunday and Monday, August 8-9, from 7:30-9 pm, at Town Players’s Little Theatre, Orchard Hill Road in Newtown.

Stage hands and tech crew are also being sought. Experience is helpful but not necessary; training will be provided. If interested, attend the auditions or send e-mail to TownPlayers@yahoo.com.

For further information, send e-mail to the above address. For directions and more, visit NewtownPlayers.org.

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