Labor Day Parade Winners
Labor Day Parade Winners
More than 120 volunteer and athletic groups, schools, organizations, and bands participated in the 51st Annual Newtown Labor Day Parade. After the final participant finished the parade route at the north end of Queen Street, the Parade Judges Committee was challenged with selecting winners and runners-up for eight awards.
The judges have announced the following winners:
Best Fire Department: Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue
Best Float: Z Place for Zumba (Runner-up: Christ the King Lutheran Church);
Best Musical Entry, Senior Division: CT Alumni Senior Drum & Bugle Corps (Runner-up: Fairfield Gaelic Pipe Band);
Best Musical Entry, Junior Division: Clan Ross Cross Pipe Band (Runner-up: New Haven Gaelic Pipe Band);
Best Non-Musical Entry: Leaps of Faith Adaptive Sports (Runner-up: St Rose of Lima float);
Best School: St Rose School
The Legends & Pioneers Award: Newtown Visiting Nurse Association.
Rooster Award: NHS Dance Team
The 2012 parade had as its theme âTen Years of Caring For Newtown,â in honor of Kevinâs Community Center and its founding ten years ago. Grand Marshals were Dr Z. Michael and Jocelyn Taweh, founders of KCC, and the Parade Judges, who were set up under a canopy on Queen Street, were all volunteers from KCC: Dr Susan A. Belanger, Michael P. Ronan, Dr Evan Pitkoff, George Taweh (vice president-secretary), Dr Della Schmid, and Lisa Schwartz.