Make A Difference
Make A Difference
To the Editor:
Many of us were very focused on how and where we were getting our food and water this past week. This concern about food and water will end for most of us once the power comes back.
For others in Newtown, the worry about food continues. FAITH Food Pantry, located in St Johnâs Episcopal Church, 5 Washington Avenue in Sandy Hook, is there to help them. Now FAITH needs your help. Demand is up almost 40 percent over last year. How can you help? It is easy.
Bring one can of food in a plastic bag to the Labor Day Parade and place it along the curb. Our group, 1 Can Makes a Difference, is a float in the parade. As we go through the parade, we will pick up your donation. We will also collect cash, should you forget your food. All food will go to the FAITH Food Pantry to help others in Newtown.
The need is great this year. One can make a difference because 1 Can Makes a Difference.
Linda Lubinsky
73 Flat Swamp Road, Newtown                                                                    August 5, 2010