Holiday Book Sale
Holiday Book Sale
The Friends of the C.H. Booth Library will be sponsoring their holiday book sale on Saturday, December 4, from 9:30 am to 5 pm, and Sunday, December 5, from 10 am to 5 pm. A great selection of gift-quality books, DVDs, CDs and other gift items will be available for purchase at excellent prices.
Now On View
*First and Second Floor Display Cases: Cross-stitch samplers made by library staff and Newtown residents are on view this month.
*Final Week for Tom Kretsch Exhibition: âWhen Fall Comes to New England: A Photography Exhibitâ will close on Sunday, December 5.
Tom, who grew up in Newtown and graduated from NHS, enjoyed a successful career as a teacher in the Norwalk Public Schools for 36 years. His passion for photography has evolved over the years and he has exhibited his work in art shows throughout New England.
The collection on view in our community room, as its name implies, celebrates the moods and feelings of autumnâs changing colors in New England, inspired by the music of singer-songwriter Cheryl Wheeler.
Chocolate For The Holidays
*The library is selling Book Loverâs and Wine Loverâs Chocolate in a variety of flavors for $6 a box.
All proceeds benefit the library.
Programs For Children
*The Landscapes of Hundertwasser: Young artists ages 5-9 are invited to join local artist and educator Randi Rote to explore the art of Austrian painter Hundertwasser during a workshop on Wednesday, December 8, at 4:15 pm.
Participants will create their own landscapes with bright electric colors. A $3 material fee is due on the day of the program, and online registration is requested.
*Mother Goose Is Taking A Break: Mother Goose on the Loose and Mother Goose II will be taking a four-week break pretty soon.
The last Mother Goose on the Loose for 2010 will take place on Wednesday, December 8. Class will resume in the new year on Wednesday, January 12.
The final class Mother Goose II will be Thursday, December 9. We will meet again on Thursday, January 13.
Adult Programs
*Technology Showcase Featuring e-Readers: Donât know your Nook from your Kindle?
Join us on Tuesday, December 7, from 5 to 7 pm, in the meeting room when vendors will be on hand to demonstrate the latest in e-Reader technology. Walk through our technology showcase and learn which reader is best for you.
Experts from Borders, Barnes & Noble, GameStop and Staples will allow you to take the devices for a test drive, as well as answer all of your questions. Velocity Cruz, Kindle Kobo, Nook eReader in color, Sony Pocket, Sony Touch plus many more will all be on display. For a complete vendor list call the library.
This is a showcase, not a program, so please feel free to stop by any time between 5 and 7 pm.
*Book Groups: The Non-Fiction Book Group will meet on Tuesday, December 7, at 1 pm, to discuss Tracey Kidderâs The Strength in What Remains; and The Daytime Book Group will be talking about The Help by Katherine Stockett on Tuesday, December 14, at 1 pm.