NSSF's Safety Reminders Are A Fig Leaf For Industry's Gun Violence Inaction
To the Editor:
The Bee published the National Shooting Sports Foundation's press release on their achievement of a “milestone” of 1,000 industry related groups joining their effort to promote Project ChildSafe. While promoting individual responsibility with firearms is essential and worthy, shouldn't the public expect more from an industry whose products cause injury to over 100,000 persons each year and death to over 30,000?
The automobile industry in the 1960s asserted that careless drivers were the ones responsible for accidents. Should they have been allowed to invest only in driver education and optional seat belts? Regulation, study of the causes and effects of accidents, mandatory testing, licensing and insurance, laws mandating seat belts and other safety features, as well as improved road design have resulted in dramatic declines in death and injury from motor vehicle accidents.
The problem of gun violence similarly requires a comprehensive public health and safety approach. For the first time firearm deaths in some states are exceeding those from auto accidents. Providing safety literature and free gun locks, hoping that gun owners never forget any of the safety rules, is not a plan.
Instead of patting themselves on the back and deflecting responsibility, the NSSF could be cooperating with other groups, using research and innovations to build safety into their products and minimize the chance of accidents and unauthorized use. As the people of Newtown know all too well, it takes only one wrong person with a gun to destroy lives, families and communities.
Barbara Richardson
31 Osborne Hill Road, Sandy Hook March 3, 2015