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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Juggling Nutrition Magician Show At SHS



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From the second the character of “ToBe Fit” came out on stage — as played by Kelsey Flynn, a performer with FoodPlay Productions — Sandy Hook Elementary School students were laughing and interacting with the entertaining and educational performance, offered during two assemblies in the school’s gymnasium on January 16.

ToBe Fit is the main character in FoodPlay Production’s show, “ToBe Fit: The Juggling Nutrition Magician Show.”

“Welcome to my kitchen, where super heroes are made,” ToBe Fit said, before explaining that all super heroes need strong bodies and minds. Eating healthy foods supports the development of strong bodies and minds, ToBe Fit explained.

The show, ToBe Fit told the second assembly of students, would show them how to “juggle the food you eat.” While talking about choosing healthy food over fast and easy food, ToBe Fit actually juggled food and other items while students laughed. ToBe Fit also made items disappear.

FoodPlay Productions describes the show as, “A rollicking, fun-filled show featuring fantastic feats of juggling, circus arts, music, magic, and audience participation to help kids take charge of growing up healthy, happy, active, and fit.”

More information about the presentation and FoodPlay Productions is available on its website, foodplay.com/live-shows/tobe-fit.

“ToBe Fit” — played by Kelsey Flynn, a performer with FoodPlay Productions — performs “ToBe Fit: The Juggling Nutrition Magician Show” for an assembly at Sandy Hook Elementary School on January 16. —Bee Photo, Hallabeck
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