WWF To Welcome Kate Mayer For Second Hometown Presentation
Working Women's Forum, an association of local professionals and entrepreneurs, will welcome Kate Mayer to its final meeting of the season, Wednesday, May 17.
Kate Mayer is a writer, humorist, and activist, focusing on teenagers, midlife, aging, social issues, and gun violence prevention. Based in Newtown, she was recently selected as 2017 "Voice of the Year" honoree for BlogHer.
The Connecticut Press Club awarded KathrynMayer.com as Best Personal Blog 2017.
Working Women's Forum meets at The Villa Restaurant, 4 Riverside Road in Sandy Hook, on the third Wednesday of the month. After a summer break, meetings resume in September.
Networking and light dinner begins at 6 pm, followed by the guest speaker. Program and dinner fee $25 ($10 for members), along with a cash bar.
The group gratefully accepts canned food and personal health and beauty items for Newtown's FAITH Food Pantry.
Ms Mayer's appearance at a WWF meeting last season was sold out, so early reservations are being recommended for this month's appears. To register, contact Working Women's Forum President Pat Marlin via e-mail at rsvp@workingwomensforum.net or call 203-426-7022.
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