Housing Is Neither Needed Nor Wanted At FHH
To the Editor:
This Saturday’s upcoming “discussion” about residential development at Fairfield Hills (2 pm at RIS) has nothing to do with economic development or the need for local rental units for Newtown. Many residents already know that it would require commercial development akin to one Sand Hill Plaza to mitigate our tax mill rate an iota.
And, despite Planning & Zoning’s elimination of residential uses at FFH about ten years ago, they recently approved new verbiage to the FFH Master Plan permitting local officials to “consider and discuss the possibility of housing at FFH.” Years of overwhelming opposition by the owners of FFH, you and I, is ready to be undone by the likes of newly minted Town Director of Planning George Benson. No one else is clamoring for rental units on top of storefronts at FFH, other than Mr Benson and perhaps a developer and commensurate attorneys. Mr Benson clearly stated in The Bee (11/21) ”....no proposed zoning regulations have been drafted....after (zoning rules) are formulated, the P&Z would hold a public hearing. P&Z action typically follows such hearings. Sounds like a done deal, George. So, the only economic development at stake here has nothing to do with you and I, neighbor. It’s always about the money.
There are numerous empty storefronts in Newtown, and still newer ones under construction. No rental units attached to any of these, though. Too often the town’s boards, committees, commissions even some elected officials fail to protect the very people they’re entrusted to serve. The taxpaying residents of Newtown. It’s been made crystal clear that the majority of residents oppose housing at FFH. Why are we still “discussing” this?
Newtown has been fortunate to have Pat Llodra as its leader over these past few years and her legacy shouldn’t be marred by a few “businessmen” trying to make a quick buck by ruining Newtown’s crown jewel forever. Pat, please continue to protect your residents, neighbors and our irreplaceable natural resources.
Robert Hennessey
21 Sleepy Hollow Road, Sandy Hook December 2, 2014