Moving Forward
To the Editor:
Newtown residents, accept the state’s grant for the purpose of building a new Sandy Hook School. This one-time opportunity will allow Newtown to continue moving forward. Resultant positives by passing this referendum include:
Returning the children, faculty and staff to the Sandy Hook community
No local tax increase due to building Sandy Hook School
A fully funded state grant with no repayment requirement
Restoring Newtown’s municipal building inventory to seven schools
As 1 of 28 elected town officials that deliberated thoroughly and unanimously decided to build a new Sandy Hook School with a $50 million grant from the State of Connecticut, I solicit and encourage all Newtown registered voters to cast a Yes vote on Saturday, October 5th.
Robert Merola
Legislative Council, District 1
22 Ashford Lane, Newtown October 2, 2013