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Some New State Insurance Consumers Awaiting ID Cards



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HARTFORD — Connecticut's Department of Insurance says it is receiving calls from consumers who signed up for coverage on the state’s insurance marketplace but have not yet received a bill or identification card.

Department spokeswoman Donna Tommelleo says the agency’s consumer affairs unit experienced greater than average call volume on Thursday, primarily from people who signed up for health insurance that was supposed to take effect January 1.

Besides not yet receiving a bill or ID card, some callers said they are having trouble paying their bill online, reaching their carrier, or reaching the Access Health CT health insurance exchange. Others said they have been approved for Medicaid through the exchange but have not yet received an ID card.

Ms Tommelleo says department representatives are encouraging people to be patient, given the record number of new enrollees.

Suggestions from Access Health CT

Since October 1, Access Health CT has helped thousands of consumers shop for health care coverage and either establish eligibility for HUSKY Health or enroll in a qualified private health plan. Many consumers have asked what they need to do if they need care on January 1 or later and have not yet received an ID card.

According to an announcement from Access Health CT earlier this week, the answer depends on which plan or program for which they are eligible.

For insurance with Anthem, ConnectiCare Benefits Inc, or HealthyCT, an enrollee’s premium must be paid and in the carrier’s possession by January 10, 2014, before an enrollee will obtain a valid ID number. If the enrollee has not yet paid their premium for the month of January, any care received on or after January 1, 2014, by an enrollee prior to that premium payment and posting by the carrier may only be eligible for reimbursement according to the policy of the selected carrier.

Information for each plan is outlined below:

Anthem: Consumers who chose Anthem and have not yet received a bill can call 855-738-6644 and request a bill be mailed or e-mailed to them. If an enrollee has received a bill, it can be paid according to the instructions on the bill. Once an enrollee has paid, a temporary ID card and number can be requested from an Anthem customer service representative.

ConnectiCare Benefits Inc:  Administrators of this plan have been regularly sending out bills to consumers who have enrolled through Access Health CT. If a consumer chose ConnectiCare Benefits Inc and has not received a bill yet, call 860-674-5757 or 800-251-7722 (TDD/TYY services 800-842-9710). Once an enrollee receives that bill, it should be paid according to the instructions on the bill. Once an enrollee has paid, the account will be updated with that information.

Healthy CT: This plan has also been regularly sending out bills to consumers who have enrolled through Access Health CT. If a consumer chose HealthyCT and has not received a bill yet, call 855-458-4928. Once an enrollee receives that bill, it should be paid according to the instructions on the bill. Once an enrollee has paid, the account will be updated with that information and an ID card sent.

HUSKY Health: If an enrollee was deemed eligible for HUSKY Health, contact the Department of Social Services at 855-6-CONNECT (855-626-6632) (TTD/TTY 800-842-4524 for persons with speech or hearing difficulties). Follow the prompts for the information needed.

Once consumers have enrolled in a health care plan through Access Health CT, specific questions regarding that plan should be directed to the provider at the numbers listed above.

Consumers who are still shopping for affordable health care coverage and have not yet enrolled in a plan can continue to contact Access Health CT at www.accesshealthct.com or 855-805-HEALTH (855-805-4325). 

Associated Press contest was used in the preparation of this story, which represents the combination of an AP story and an Access Health CT press release.

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