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Poor Decision Does Not Erase The Good



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To the Editor:

I am saddened that a cloud of disappointment and criticism about judgment hangs over Elizabeth Esty as she comes to the end of her service in Congress. There is no doubt in my mind that she erred; that she did not take the right action in response to a difficult situation; that support for the harmed was called for and not support for the offender. She failed to do the right thing and the consequence of that failure is the end of her tenure.

However, for almost six years, Congresswoman Esty was constant and careful in her support of Newtown and for that, she deserves thanks and respect. Elizabeth responded well and quickly whenever we called upon her for help with an issue or an initiative. At times when we needed most that voice at the federal level, Elizabeth and her senatorial colleagues spoke the loudest. In my mind, her poor decisions related to the behavior of her chief of staff do not erase the good she tried to do for our community. Elizabeth and I differed significantly on many policy issues - but I never doubted her commitment to respond to our needs.

Pat Llodra

90 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook         April 4, 2018

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