Snapshot: Anthony Alejandro Moreno Del Angel
Nickname: Tony
Family: Mom, dad and a brother.
Pets: A husky, Sasuke. His name was inspired by an animated character. It’s pronounced “sas-KAY.”
How long have you lived in Newtown? Since 2005.
Where do you work? Right now I’m a coach for kids at Ninja Mania. It’s very rewarding and exciting.
Are you a member of any clubs, organizations and/or communities of faith? I attend St Francis Xavier Catholic Church in New Milford.
What do you like to do in your free time? Lots of things — I like to experience new things and explore life to the fullest. I like going to house concerts. I also like to hang out with my friends, and try different foods. I picked up acting about three years ago and I just fell in love with the process. It was so cool to be part of something. I just finished my second community show, in Westport. I did one in Brookfield first, and then took a break and went back to college.
[Editor’s Note: Tony played Mr Darcy in Westport Community Theatre’s recent production of Pride and Prejudice.]
Who or what has been the greatest influence in your life? The people around me — my friends, my family, and even people I encounter. I take inspiration from everyone I encounter. It doesn’t have to be a long time.
Favorite TV show? The most recent one is “Dune: Prophecy.”
Favorite actor? I have a few including Christian Bale, Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio.
What was the most recent movie you saw in the theater? Captain America: Brave New World.
Favorite food? My favorite is Mexican. I grew up with it. And tacos, I could eat any time, and there’s this dish in Mexico, called Zacahuil (“sa-ca-WEE”). It’s like a tamale, but sometimes tamales can be sweet, and these are definitely not sweet. They can be spicy, especially if you want to add jalapeños to it, and it comes with meat, and they’re really big. They’re so good.
What is your favorite travel destination? Duxpan, Vera Cruz, where I was born. A lot of my family is there, and a lot of our history too.
What is your favorite thing about Newtown? The scenery. It’s always so peaceful. The vibe of the town is the landscape. When it’s autumn especially, the foliage is so beautiful.
Is there something you’d like to see The Newtown Bee cover, or cover further? Maybe more international flavor. I know that growing up, I was one of the few Hispanics. When I went to my brother’s graduation last year, I saw so many more Hispanics, so maybe a little bit there would be cool.
Do you have a personal credo? The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing, from Socrates. There’s always more to learn about little pockets of the world. I love that.