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Snapshot: Lauren Hoeffel



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Nicknames: A lot of my friends and family call me Laur.

Family: My husband Tim; our son, who’s 3; and our daughter, who is 2.

How did you meet your husband? We met at The One-Eyed Pig … and if you know, you know.

Pets: We have a dog, Cooper, and a cat, Nala.

How long have you lived in Newtown? It will be nine years this year.

What do you do for work? I work in marketing. I’m a content manager for an insurance company in Orange.

Are you a member of any clubs, organizations and/or communities of faith? I’m on the board of Merryhill Child Care Center.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an ice skater, like Michelle Kwan. My parents even got me skates when I was 2.

What do you like to do with your free time? We have a boat, so in the summertime we like to go on our boat on Lake Zoar. I also love to read. My goal is to read 40 books this year. I love to exercise, and be with my kids and my husband.

Do you have a favorite author? Jodi Picoult has always been a favorite, and Colleen Hoover is another big one.

Favorite TV show? I really don’t watch a lot of TV but if I’m watching something, I like “Friends.”

Who or what has been the greatest influence on your life? My husband. He’s been a huge impact on my life. When I met him, he encouraged me to go back to school and finish my degree. He was a big believer in me when I feel like others weren’t, so I feel like he’s been my real inspiration and really gave me drive to go and do that. For that, I’m always grateful.

What is something you cannot live without? Coffee and exercise. I really have to do some form of exercise every day, whether it’s yoga for 5-10 minutes with the kids, doing a little stretching, walk around the neighborhood, whatever it is. It’s really important in my life.

Do you have any surprising or unusual talents? I’m ambidextrous. Anything sports or dance, my left side is dominant but I write with my right hand.

Favorite musical artist? Dave Matthews Band.

Favorite music genre? I don’t really have a favorite genre. I really like all music.

What was the most recent concert you went to? Dave Mathews Band. We just got back from Mexico, and we saw Dave Mathews and Tim Reynolds in Cancun. They did a three-night concert, and it was awesome. We were in the front row one night, and they played our wedding song. It was fantastic.

What is your favorite thing about Newtown? The community. I’ve met a lot of really, really great people. I love where I live. I get to walk to a lot of places, so that makes it enjoyable.

Is there something you’d like to see The Newtown Bee cover, or cover more in depth? Maybe more of the stuff related to what’s happening in the schools. And events, things going on around town, so more advance notice, especially kid-friendly things.

Do you have a personal credo? “Celebrate we will. Because life is short but sweet but certain.” That’s from one of my favorite Dave Mathews songs, “Two Step.”

This week's Snapshot features Lauren Hoeffel. —courtesy Lauren Hoeffel
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