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Community Invited To Share Stories At ‘Timeless Newtown’ Adult Show & Tell Event



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Show & Tell isn’t just for kids. Adults can share their story at “Adult Show and Tell” on Monday, March 31, at 2 pm, in a special event to take place in the meeting room of C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street.

The program has been rescheduled from its original date of February 27.

“Adult Show & Tell” aims to give adults a chance to share a personal story about whatever object they have to bring. The item could be an old toy, a souvenir from a trip with friends, an heirloom passed down through the family. It could also be an item someone created, such as a poem, painting, scarf, or hat. People can even bring in photographs in place of large objects like a piano or car that otherwise could not be carried in, opening countless possibilities for stories to tell.

“Adult Show & Tell” is one of many events in the “Timeless Newtown: Embracing Every Generation” series, which aims to mitigate stereotypes and negative thinking towards aging and the elderly. When presenting the series to the Commission on Aging in October last year, Friends of Newtown Seniors (FONS) President John Boccuzzi Sr said the series would provide information to build positive attitudes and behaviors towards the aging process.

The goal of the March 31 event, like all other “Timeless Newtown” offerings, is to connect people of all ages across the community and show them that aging is not something to be afraid of.

CHB Head of Adult Services Shari Merrill, the organizer for “Adult Show & Tell,” said the idea for the event came from her boss. CHB Library Director Jennifer Nash reportedly suggested hosting such a program at the library. Merrill said she thought it was a great idea, tied well into the themes of “Timeless Newtown,” and it would be a fun way for adults to connect and share with one another.

Merrill said hosting “Adult Show & Tell” and other “Timeless Newtown” events has been a great opportunity for her and other library staff members. Merrill said she personally believes it’s really important to have intergenerational programming.

“We’re all in different places in our lives, and there’s value in every era. We can come together and connect no matter how old we are,” Merrill said.

Merrill said everyone is welcome, including spectators. Not everyone will feel comfortable showing an object and sharing a story, but some may enjoy simply hearing what others have to share, she said.

“You don’t have to speak in front of a group if you’re not comfortable with that,” Merrill said. “Just feel free to come and enjoy the experience.”

Registration is requested and available through the library at 203-426-4533 or chboothlibrary.org.


Reporter Jenna Visca can be reached at jenna@thebee.com.

Organizers and partners hope to reach and educate all ages on ageism, and foster positive change, through a months-long series of “Timeless Newtown” programming.
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