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Bolinsky Invites Comment, Participation Ahead Of Thursday's Public Benefits Charge Public Hearing



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HARTFORD — An Energy and Technology Committee Public Hearing is planned at the Legislative Office Building (LOB) in Hartford on Thursday, March 6.

State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) issued an email blast on Monday, alerting his constituents to the approaching hearing and the opportunity to have their voice heard. Bolinsky also shared information on attending the event should residents want to participate and/or watch in person.

The public hearing is scheduled for 10:30 am in Room 1D of the LOB, 300 Capitol Avenue in Hartford.

Five bills are on Thursday’s agenda; Bolinsky is encouraging his constituents to consider the second on the posted agenda, SB 647, An Act Concerning Protections for Consumer Access To Affordable Electricity.

“Earlier this year, I supported a six-point plan aimed at lowering your monthly utility bills — both in the short- and long-term. This plan includes a proposal to remove the costly 'Public Benefits' portion of your bill,” Bolinsky noted in his email blast. “I have heard from many angry Newtown residents regarding their Eversource bill and the outrageously high public benefits charge.

“Please take this opportunity to share with my colleagues on the Energy & Technology Committee how these high prices are impacting you, your family, and your business,” the state representative continued.

The full agenda can be viewed here.

Within the agenda are links for those who want to register to speak on Thursday, submit written testimony, and watch the hearing via YouTube Live.

Bolinsky cautioned the deadline to register for the hearing is 3 pm Wednesday.

The speaker order will be posted in the evening of March 5, he said.

Thursday’s agenda also includes planned review of the following bills:

SB No. 4 An Act Concerning Energy Affordability, Access And Accountability; SB No. 7087 (raised) An Act Concerning Shared Clean Energy Subscriptions; HB No. 7088 (raised) An Act Requiring The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority To Study Alternative Energy Delivery Methods, Develop A Capital Investment Funding Mechanism And Increase The Frequency Of Rate Adjustment Proceedings; and HB No. 7086 (raised) An Act Requiring The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority To Open A Docket Concerning The Combined Public Benefits Charge.

The Public Benefits charge encompasses many charges on Eversource bills including the systems benefits charge, which covers assistance programs; conservation and load management charge, which covers energy efficiency programs; and the renewable charge, which promotes growth, development, and sale of renewable energy.

Eversource customers have been very vocal about the sharp increase in the Public Benefits section of their monthly bill, which went into effect July 1, 2024. The increase was projected to last 10 months and is due to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) voting to pay back Eversource the moratorium debt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The electric moratorium in Connecticut lasted four years; all other states had a two-year moratorium.

PURA Chair Marisa Gillett was outvoted, 2-1, when PURA voted to have the charge spread over 24 months instead of the 10.

During a September 2024 Legislative Town Hall in Newtown, Bolinsky explained the moratorium was meant to assist those who could not pay their bills during the pandemic so they didn’t have to choose between “having meat in their diet this week or pay Eversource.”

Ratepayers have asked why those who did not pay their bills during the pandemic are now having those debts put on the backs of those who did take care of their own bills. Others point out that while rates continue to increase, Eversource executives continue to receive annual bonuses despite internal mismanagement driving down the utility’s credit rating.

During another Legislative Town Hall just last month, one resident asked Bolinsky, State Rep Marty Foncello and State Senator Tony Hwang how they will ensure that, when the public benefits charge expires on Wednesday, April 30, they will vote to never allow another debilitating tax like this one again.

An Energy and Technology Committee Public Hearing is planned at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on Thursday, March 6. Among the items on the agenda is review of an act concerning protections for consumer access to affordable electricity. State Rep Mitch Bolinsky hopes to hear from constituents willing to share their stories.
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