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Appreciates Road Crews



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To the Editor:

I would like to praise & thank the wonderful, hard working crews who treat, sand, plow and maintain our roads in Newtown.

This past weekend of February 15th and 16th we had one of the most difficult types of storms to clean up. Between the strong winds, snow, rain, freezing rain, fog and ice it was challenging. As I sat warm and cozy in my house I heard the trucks going by Saturday afternoon.

Then again Saturday night well into the morning hours and throughout Sunday afternoon. Long hours, late hours and in miserable conditions with falling tree limbs and wires, had me thinking how tough that work is. While those crews are doing their jobs we all benefit when we get up the next morning and see clear roads so we can get around to where we want to go.

Thanks to all of you who get out there while the rest of us can relax knowing you’ve taken good care of our streets. In years past I have appreciated what you do. This most recent storm reminded me that a note of thanks is appropriate and long overdue.

Cathie Mapen


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