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Snapshot: Pege Payne



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How do you pronounce your name? “peh-GEE,” which is how my mother always used to pronounce it. My birth name is Margaret, but my mother always called me this. I didn’t know my name was Margaret until first grade, when the nuns told me. My mother always called me Pege, so everyone else did too. My sister’s real name is Mary, but everyone knows her as Bonnie because that’s what our mother always called her.

Who is in your family? My husband Paul; our daughter Andrea and son-in-law, and their five children; our son Edmund and his wife, and their birds; and my sister, who lives here in town, one brother who lives in New Milford, and another brother who lives in Jersey City. I’m the oldest of five. We lost one brother four years ago.

Do you have any pets? No but my son says his birds are our grandbirds. I visit them a lot.

How did you meet your husband? I’ve known Paul for probably 30 years. I’d met him through parties at my sister’s house because he was my brother-in-law’s boss. I got divorced, and then my ex-husband died; and Paul’s wife passed away. My sister thought I was so much like his wife, and thought we should get together. So we waited a normal amount of time and then on March 22, 2009 my sister invited me over for dinner, and her husband invited Paul over for dinner, and we’ve been together ever since.

How long have you lived in Newtown? Since 2009, so this is my 16th year here. This is the longest I’ve lived in one place.

Career: I’m retired, but my last job was with Canine Fence in Wilton. I was manager of Accounts Payable and manager of Payroll. That was the final of many jobs over the years.

What do you like to do with your free time? Read. I’m also learning how to do hand knitting, and I like to travel. I go to the Cape twice a year, with my best friend Susie. We’ve been friends since eighth grade.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Do unto others as you wish one done unto you. I instilled that in my children: if you don’t want someone to do something to you, don’t do it to them.

Are you part of any clubs or organizations? I’m secretary on my condo board in Naugatuck, where I still have a condo. That’s where I lived before I moved here, and I still rent it out.

Who or what was the greatest influence on your life? My English teacher at Brookfield High School, Mrs Amarosa. She instilled my love of reading and creative writing. She taught me when I want to go away, just read.

Who is your favorite author? James Patterson

What is the most recent book you’ve read? I’m in the middle of reading The 24th Hour, the New Women’s Murder Club Novel. I’m actually 82% done, according to my Kindle.

Favorite actor? Jason Stratham. I love his action movies.

What is the most recent movie you’ve seen in the theater? Wicked

Do you have any pet peeves? People that don’t use turn signals.

What is something you cannot live without? Books

Favorite color? Blue

Favorite thing to eat? Mexican food.

What is your favorite thing about Newtown? I like how friendly the people are. I’m always talking to people in the store. It’s nice here, really.

What is something you’d like to see The Newtown Bee cover, or cover further? I’d love to see more stories about small businesses, the local places we might not already know about.

Do you have a personal credo? Do unto others as you wish one done unto you. I live by that.

Pege Payne is featured in this week's Snapshot. —Bee Photo, Hicks
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