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‘Songs For The Glory Of The Season’ At The Meeting House, December 14



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Newtown Choral Society will be accompanied by a chamber orchestra when it presents its winter concert, “Songs for the Glory of the Season,” Saturday, December 14, at 4 pm, at The Newtown Meeting House, 31 Main Street.

Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and students, and they will be available at the door.

The concert will begin with Vivaldi’s Gloria. The choir, under the direction of Mary Andreotta and accompanied by Phil Crevier, will continue with songs reflecting the joys of Hanukkah with “Hanukkah Nagilah” and “Oseh Shalom.” Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” will add to the mystery of the season.

The choir will present selections from Handel’s Messiah, culminating with the chorus “Glory to God.”

The spirituals “Shout for Joy” and “Rise Up Shepherd and Follow,” will raise the energy of the concert and Andre Thomas’s jazz-infected “Gloria” will bring the concert back to the modern celebration of the holidays.

Finally, “O, Holy Night” (originally Cantique de Noël) will herald three songs from the 18th and 19th centuries.

The program will conclude with “O, Come All Ye Faithful” and “Joy to the World,” with the audience invited to join the choir in singing the last two carols. The lyrics will be in the program.

Newtown Choral Society is a community, non-audition choir founded in 1986. The choir performs two concerts a year and welcomes members from all area towns.

For further information call 203-313-3064 or visit newtownchoral.org.

Newtown Choral Society will be accompanied by a chamber orchestra when it presents its winter concert, next weekend at Newtown Meeting House.
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