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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Re-Elect Foncello



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To The Editor:

It has been my honor to work with Representative Marty Foncello for the past two years in Hartford. Marty represents the 107th House District, in the northwest part of Newtown, along with a piece of Bethel, and all of Brookfield.

We, in Newtown, are fortunate to have him. As a former First Selectman of Brookfield, Marty always puts people, and constituent service, first.

Marty’s experience and perspectives are truly “big picture” on matters of state, town, and national impact. His 10,000 foot view of situations is an asset to his colleagues and our state, both as a veteran and a 20-year, post 9-11 Homeland Security person. His insight, statesmanship and good-natured personality are much needed in the legislature, where he works gracefully, across the aisle.

Marty also does not vote to raise taxes and cosponsored Connecticut’s 2024 landmark Medicare reform legislation.

When a new member of the General Assembly begins their first term, they are assigned a mentor. I’ve been fortunate to be partnered with Marty Foncello, who has taught me just as much as I have him. It’s truly an honor and a privilege to serve with him.

I strongly urge all residents of the 107th to vote for Marty Foncello. He’s a winner!

Mitch Bolinsky


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