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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Snapshot: Gavin Arneth



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Family: My wife Carolyn, our daughter Molly and son-in-law Andrew, our son Danny, and my parents Paul and Liz.

How did you meet your wife? I came back from college, in North Carolina, and my dad decided I needed to get a job after all that education money he’d spent, so I got a job in the Loan Operations Department at Gateway Bank. Carolyn was our part-timer, who came in after school — she was a senior in high school — so I waited until I’d resigned, and then I asked her out on a date.

Pets: We have two Scottish terriers, Nessie, who is named after the Loch Ness Monster because she’s a terror, in a good way; and we have Finnegan, who my son calls Mr Dog.

How long have you lived in Newtown? I moved here with my parents in 1971. I moved out when Carolyn and I bought our first house in Milford, when I was a police officer, and then we moved back in 1997.

What do you do for work? I work for Northern Trust as a private banker.

What do you like to do with your free time? Ride bikes, we spend time in the Catskills, where we do hiking and biking.

Are you part of any local clubs, organizations, etc? I actually spend a lot of my free time with Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps. I also serve on the board of The Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation and I’m on the board of Newtown Youth & Family Services.

Who or what has been the greatest influence on your life? My dad has always been a hero for me, as well as my mom. They put up with a lot with me. I was a lot to handle through high school and into college, and they never gave up on me. So those two, definitely.

What is something you cannot live without? Coffee. I have “coffee issues,” as my wife puts it. I have an espresso machine and roast my own beans.

What is the most recent movie you’ve seen in the theater? I took my mom and dad to see The Blue Angels, the documentary about them, when it premiered in Danbury. My dad flew A-4 Skyhawks with the Navy, so it meant a lot for him to go and check it out, and we had a blast.

Favorite TV show? The Office. It’s just so silly, and you can watch it over and over and still laugh at it.

If you could spend the day with one person, living or deceased, who would you choose and why? Ben Franklin. He seems like he was such a character, and they were living in such a fascinating time of the country, it would be a lot of fun to get his take on what evolved during that period.

Favorite color? Blue

Do you have any pet peeves? When cars do not get out of the way for emergency response vehicles. It gives me agita when I’m trying to drive an ambulance to help somebody.

Do you have a favorite travel destination? We spend a lot of time in the Catskills. We’re also just starting to explore Europe. We had a great time in Scotland, and we’ve gone to Ireland with the kids.

What is your favorite thing about Newtown? It was a wonderful place to raise our kids. That was a driving force for us to come back to town. There’s also so much volunteerism here, and I don’t know if you see that in every town. Volunteer first responders are very strong, and thriving, and I think that’s really impressive and what I love about this town.

What is something you would like to see The Newtown Bee cover, or cover further? First of all, I love the fact that we still have an independent newspaper in town. I would love to see more interviews with the current candidates running for office, to get their perspectives on issues that might be important to our town.

Do you have a personal credo? My credo has always been to treat people how I would love to be treated. Whether it’s in emergency services, or my day-to-day interactions at work, or anywhere, I always try to treat people how I think would want to be treated in an ideal situation.

This week's Snapshot features Gavin Arneth. —Bee Photo, Hicks
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