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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Real Food CT Launches Community Challenge To Recover From August Storm, Expand Impact



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Real Food CT, a nonprofit organization based in Newtown dedicated to building a more resilient and equitable food system, is facing a challenge — and rising to the occasion with a community-wide fundraising campaign called “RFCT Community Challenge: Farm Rebuild and Food System Expansion.”

The August 18 storm caused significant damage to RFCT’s community gardens at Sticks and Stones Farm, including flooding and the destruction of crops, driveways, and facilities. With winter approaching and the growing season coming to a close, it’s crucial for the volunteer-driven organization to wrap up the year strong and prepare for the future.

But Real Food CT isn’t just rebuilding; they’re aiming to grow stronger. Thanks to a generous $10,000 challenge grant from a Newtown-based foundation that shares the commitment to food access for all, every dollar donated to their campaign will be matched, doubling the impact.

RFCT Founder and Executive Director Sean Fitzpatrick said he and others “are incredibly grateful for this opportunity to not only rebuild but also expand our work. This challenge grant is a testament to the power of community support, and we’re excited to see how, together, we can turn this setback into a springboard for even greater impact.”

Real Food CT has a proven track record of success, driven largely by the dedication of its volunteers. In the past year alone, it has donated over 30,000 pounds of locally grown produce to families facing food insecurity, provided farm internships to ten high school and college students, and launched a regional marketplace connecting local farms with schools and social service centers.

Now, with the “RFCT Community Challenge: Farm Rebuild and Food System Expansion,” the organization is aiming to repair the storm damage and restore its community farm to full operational capacity. This will allow them to expand its Food Hub, increasing the ability to purchase and distribute produce from local farmers, bring farm-fresh meals to even more school children, and further empower local farmers through technical assistance and increased market access.

“We believe that everyone deserves access to healthy food, regardless of their circumstances,” says Fitzpatrick. “This challenge grant allows us to bring that vision closer to reality. By focusing on fundraising and organizational growth during the winter months, we can ensure that our programs are even stronger next season.”

Real Food CT invites the community to join them in rising from the storm and building a stronger, more equitable food system for all. Every donation, no matter the size, will make a difference.

To donate and double your impact, visit realfoodct.org and click on the RFCT Community Challenge banner.

Real Food CT is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a more resilient and equitable food system in Connecticut. It operates two community farms, runs a Young Farmer Internship program, and manages a regional food hub that connects local farmers with schools, hospitals, and hunger relief organizations.

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