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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Ku Will Fight For Residents



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To the Editor:

As a candidate for Newtown’s 106th District in CT’s House of Representatives, Michelle Embree Ku will fight for a healthcare system that works for us.

She will support family planning, a better insurance marketplace, quality hospitals, and address the threat of gun violence.

Michelle will fight for education — better air quality in our schools, funding for special education, and curricula that create future opportunities for our students. She also addressed the school district’s heating and ventilation issues, safety, and security as an active member of the Board of Education.

Michelle will advocate for the health of our environment by encouraging smart development, better solid waste management, the use of green resources, accessible housing, and a livable community, inclusive of all residents.

Motivated by the events of 12/14/12, Michelle became involved in gun violence prevention and also chaired the Connecticut Legislative’s Task Force on Life-Threatening Food Allergies.

Michelle is experienced in the legislative process and enjoys problem-solving. She is currently the Second Selectperson on the Newtown Board of Selectmen; chaired the Connecticut Legislature’s Task Force on Life-Threatening Food Allergies; was a Governor’s Regional Advisory Team member to examine how our students would safely return to the classroom during COVID; chaired the Government Relations Committee for the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education; and was president of the EdAdvance Board of Directors.

Michelle is running to address the concerns expressed by her Newtown neighbors, which is why she wants to give Newtown a meaningful voice in Hartford.

Please join me in voting for Michelle Embree Ku and our fellow democratic candidates on November 5.

Jill Soderholm


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