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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Critical Of Trump



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To the Editor:

Although Trump has shown his readiness to withdraw from numerous long-standing global alliances, there are many challenges the world must face together. Climate change. Pandemics like COVID-19. Terrorism. These challenges are best met in a spirit of cooperation and an understanding of shared goals.

So what do our allies think of Trump?

Two-thirds of Canadians believe US democracy won’t survive another Trump presidency; half said the US is on the path to becoming an authoritarian state, according to a recent Reuters survey.

In February, Trump commented at a South Carolina campaign stop that he would “encourage” Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if NATO allies didn’t pay their financial obligations. Encouraging invasion of our closest allies?? Disturbing and reckless.

Several polls show that German citizens fear Trump more than they do Putin, Kim Jong-un or Ayatollah Khamenei.

Ukrainian President Zelensky, of course, has everything to lose with another Trump presidency since Trump has called aid to Ukraine a waste of money. Trump also boasted he would end the war between Ukraine and Russia “within 24 hours” of taking office, a dangerous unilateral claim Zelensky justifiably called out.

Let’s not forget that Trump was impeached for abuse of power after he withheld military aid to coerce Ukraine, a foreign nation, to investigate Biden, interfering in a US presidential election.

In contrast, Trump has established warm relations with the likes of Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán, who has cracked down on the press and judiciary, and Polish President Duda, who ran a presidential campaign based on hate speech and sowing division among Poles.

Trump has bragged about his close ties with controversial autocrats like Putin, Kim Jong-un, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed and Turkish President Erdoğan.

Trump’s only true agenda is concentrating power in his own hands, American democracy be damned.

Dawn Handschuh


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