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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Supports Ku



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To the Editor:

This letter is in support of Michelle Ku for State Representative in the 106th District.

I am confident that Michelle will work diligently for Newtown, our State and our Country. Michelle knows what the majority of Newtowner’s want, having served on Board of Education for eight years, on the Legislative Council and now as a Board of Selectperson. She stands for gun control, reproductive rights, quality education for our kids and better health care. She knows that Healthcare needs to be improved, especially for mental health of our youth and staffing issues for elderly care facilities.

As a senior I understand that affordability is important and that inflation impacts the elderly. I am sure that she understands the impact of spending in Hartford on our citizens.

Please join me in voting for Michelle Ku.

Joseph Bojnowski


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