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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Board Of Selectmen Hears 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Plan



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With the bonding vacation now in the rear-view, the town is planning its next five years of borrowing for capital projects with its 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Plan. The Board of Selectmen began its consideration of the plan at its September 16 meeting.

The Board of Selectmen only reviewed the plan; a special meeting was planned later in the month to possibly make any changes and vote on the plan.

The CIP outlines the following items for the next five fiscal years.

In 2025-26, Year 1 of the plan, it calls for $15,689,201 in capital spending, with $8,520,000 bonded, $3,150,000 from the general fund, $2,409,201 in capital financing, $855,000 from the capital & non-recurring fund, $1,175,000 in special revenue funds, and $420,000 from other funding sources. The presented CIP only contained town side expenditures; a combined CIP will become available when it goes to the Board of Finance in October.

The bonded items are renovations and upgrades at Edmond Town Hall, $980,000; repairs, maintenance, and security at the Fairfield Hills campus, $715,000; HVAC at the C.H. Booth Library, $3,450,000; an HVAC unit at the Community Center pool, $1,000,000; pool deck restructuring at the Community Center, $300,000; irrigation infrastructure replacement for Parks & Recreation, $350,000; waterfront improvements for Parks & Recreation, $500,000; a boiler replacement for Public Works, $225,000, and $1,000,000 for the bridge replacement program.

With roadwork moved fully from bonding to the general fund, the town plans to spend $3,150,000 in Year 1.

Capital financing is a new funding source from this year, and is essentially the same as the town taking out an automotive loan. Finance Director Glenys Salas said the town pays less in administrative fees to use capital financing rather than town bonding, but capital financing can only be used on things like new vehicles. Capital financing will be used for replacement of fire apparatus, $1,300,000; axon body cameras, $267,284; AXON fleet, $232,318; and Axon Taser CEW, $209,599; and a road sweeper replacement, $400,000.

The capital & non-recurring fund will be used for town match of grants, $200,000; Emergency Management EOC building upgrades, $30,000; a storage facility at the Community Center, $150,000; additional monies towards the HVAC at the Community Center Pool, $200,000; site and salt storage improvements for Public Works, $75,000; and open space preservation, $200,000.

In Year 2, which is fiscal year 2026-27, the town is planning a total of $16,875,000 in capital projects, with $8,400,000 in bonding; $3,200,000 from the general fund; $1,700,000 in capital financing, $890,000 from the capital & non-recurring fund; $1,285,000 from special revenue funds; and $1,400,000 from gifts and grants.

The bonded items are renovations and upgrades to the Edmond Town Hall gymnasium, $850,000; building remediation and demolition at Fairfield Hills, $1,500,000; a parking lot and sidewalks at the C.H. Booth Library, $650,000; pool deck restructure at the Community Center, $2,700,000; parking lot abatement/improvements for Parks & Recreation, $500,000; Treadwell artificial turf and lighting, $250,000; Public Works site and salt storage improvements, $950,000; and the bridge replacement program, $1,000,000.

The town will spend $3,200,000 from the general fund on roads.

Capital financing will be used to pay $1,400,000 for fire apparatus and $300,000 for a Public Works dump truck.

The capital & non-recurring fund will be used for town match of grants, $200,000; automated dividing walls at the Community Center, $90,000; multipurpose room upgrades at the Community Center, $150,000; Dickinson Playground artificial turf, $135,000; and Treadwell artificial turf and lighting, $850,000.

The town will utilize $1,400,000 in grants and gifts for a Rail Trail.

In Year 3, which is fiscal year 2027-28, the town is planning a total of $10,630,000 in capital projects. It will bond $3,505,000, use $3,250,000 from the general fund; $2,130,000 in capital financing; $800,000 from the capital & non-recurring fund, $245,000 in special revenue funds; and $700,000 in grants and gifts.

The bonded items are EOC Building upgrades for Emergency Management, $270,000; C.H. Booth Library exterior upgrades, $475,000; Community Center locker room tiling, $325,000; Fairfield Hills trail improvements, $385,000; 10 pickleball courts, $250,000; Recreation Annex renovation, $400,000; Public Works roof replacement, $400,000; and bridge replacement program, $1,000,000.

From the general fund, the capital road program, $3,250,000.

Using capital financing, fire apparatus, $1,500,000; and two Public Works dump trucks, $630,000.

Using the capital & non-recurring fund, $200,000 for the town match of grants, mitigate and upgrade the plumbing system at Edmond Town Hall, $250,000; Newtown Community Center exterior shade structure, $50,000; 10 pickleball courts, $100,000; and open space preservation, $200,000.

Using gifts and grants, Fairfield Hills trail improvements, $100,000; pickleball courts, $500,000; and Recreation Annex renovation, $100,000.

In Year 4, which is fiscal year 2028-29, the town is planning a total of $10,615,000 in capital projects. It will bond $5,545,000, use $3,300,000 from the general fund; $670,000 in capital financing; $750,000 from the capital & non-recurring fund, $150,000 in special revenue funds; and $200,000 in grants and gifts.

The bonded items are sidewalks program, $500,000; mitigate and upgrade plumbing system at Edmond Town Hall, $1,750,000; new generators and transfer switch at a fire house, $370,000; city wide cameras, $1,000,000; library interior upgrades, $425,000; Treadwell playground replacement, $500,000; and bridge replacement program, $1,000,000.

From the general fund, capital road program, $3,300,000.

Using capital financing, two Public Works dump trucks, $670,000.

From the capital & non-recurring fund, town match of grants, $200,000; Community Center pool plastering/tiling, $150,000; a generator for the Fairfield Hills campus, $200,000; and open space preservation, $200,000.

Using special revenue funds, Community Center pool plastering/tiling, $150,000.

Using grants and gifts, $200,000.

Year 5, which is fiscal year 2029-30, is the town’s next planned bonding vacation. While the town will not be bonding anything new that year, some capital projects will still get done from other funding sources. The town is planning a total of $3,750,000 in capital projects, using $3,350,000 from the general fund for the capital road program; and $400,000 from the capital and non-recurring fund for town match of grants ($200,000) and open space preservation ($200,000).

The total across the five years of the plan is $57,559,201 spent on capital projects.

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