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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Bolinsky Gets Things Done



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To the Editor:

When you sit down to select our next State Representatives this coming Election Day, please consider voting for Mitch Bolinsky.

Mitch has a proven history of serving our community. He always makes sure he gives time and attention to all residents no matter what their party affiliation is.

One example of the many; when driving down Route 34 heading east and you come to the traffic light at the corner of Route 34 and Bennetts Bridge Road, you can thank Mitch Bolinsky for making that intersection far more safe.

You may recall that previously there was a blinking yellow light at that corner, which made it very dangerous to cross over Route 34; many serious accidents had occurred there.

Citizens in that vicinity contacted Mitch with their concerns and he immediately organized a meeting to allow them to voice their concerns for a proper traffic light.

Mitch went right to work with his vast knowledge of how to navigate the state bureaucracy and got the proper traffic light installed, all the while keeping folks updated on its progress.

Normally my mantra for incumbents around Election Day is vote them all out; in Mitch’s case I ask you to vote Mitch back in.

Bill Monaco

Sandy Hook

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