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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Support For Ku



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To the Editor:

I support Michelle Embree Ku. Ms Ku is running for the 106 District State Representative.

From being on Planning and Zoning for many years in the past, I personally know and respect Ms Ku. She is honest, intelligent and dedicated to serving our Newtown Community. Michelle Embree Ku served as chairperson for the Board of Education and then she was elected to Newtown’s Legislative Council. With this election Ms Ku serves on the Board of Selectmen.

Michelle Embree Ku is able to solve problems using her bipartisan knowledge. She has worked on the Governor’s Regional Advisory Team, was president of the EdAdvance Board of Directors, and she chaired the Connecticut Legislative’s Task Force on Life Threatening Food Allergies. She is also for the prevention of gun violence.

I know she will support the best qualities for education. Michelle Embree Ku will fight for the safety of our school children, and education for children with special needs. Michelle is very concerned with the quality of hospitals and a balanced Newtown Community with growth of businesses and affordable housing.

Vote for Michelle Embree Ku on November 5th.

Corinne Cox


A letter from Corinne Cox.
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